Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why we love visiting French...

I grew up a few hours from the German-French border.
The German-French relationship is interesting in the least, a bit of a love-hate relationship, full of stereotypes, tightly connected through their history - a weighty past full of conflict. The O'Leary-Ladies-France relationship is one of fun times and entertainment...
I believe O'Leary-lady outings in France took their epic beginning while my sister was living near Bordeaux and my Mom and I drove down to see her. We whizzed through the roads of the Dordogne Valley, climbed large dunes, sat in cafes, explored little alleyways, were terrified by the French driving (and how quickly sister had transformed from a formerly timid driver into a crazy French one) and - were highly entertained.
This time we ventured into the Elsass - a place known for quiche, wine, storks, amazing views of the Vogueses, old churches, little towns full of alleys, cafes and tea houses, oh and funky signs.
I think that's part of why we are so entertained. Even though both my sister and I speak a bit of French and know what the signs actually mean, it sometimes is far more entertaining to read into them using our German and English...
Take for example the "Rue de Tetes" - the street of heads. Seriously, this is a country known for guillotines, how can you not imagine where that name came from. Suppose from a time when heads were literally rolling through streets? I'll leave it at that. Of course, once we started joking about that we saw odd heads everywhere... everywhere.
Oh the French. And the O'Learys. What a wonderful mix.

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