Monday, April 12, 2010

sometimes people wonder...

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that know the binary system and those that do not.
sorry... just had to get that one out there.
There are two types of people in this world - those that firmly believe that I am a very coordinated, fast moving person blessed with fast reaction times. Those are mostly people I play rugby with and/or have witnessed me do something like catch a fly in my fist in thin air (yes, I pulled this off before Obama did) or flip pancakes using just a pan
And then there's those who wonder how I have even made it this far considering what a clutzy person I am... they are positive that I'm not only left-handed, but must have two left hands!
Oh, and then I do things like go to sit out on our amazing terrace (suuuuuuuuunshine, finally!) to study and off-handedly mention to my room mate, that I have issues with screen doors because we don't really have them in Germany and I always need time to re-adjust when I come to the States.
Five minutes later I attempted to go inside to get a cup of tea.
Yes, you guessed it, mid conversation: "Do you need me to get you a -" smack, right into the screen door, no slowing down, no turning away, and an explosion of laughter behind me.
My room mate instantly updated her facebook status to: "My room mate just walked into a screen door - highlight of my day".
At least I still manage to keep everyone entertained!
Especially when I come home on warm evenings after dark and take the back way up the terrace steps and then do the mime-style hand patting to make sure there actually is an opening for me to get into the living room.

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