Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ah, yes. Summer is over. Just like that – from one day to the next. One day sunshine and beautiful weather – the next day sunshine and beautiful weather and I stayed out past sundown, and on the ride home became nearly convinces that my fingers where going to freezer right off.
Things went downhill from there. Two days later, not only had the temperature dropped a good 20 degrees or more, the floodgates of heaven had opened and we had our first major fall storm. I was kinda miserable. I guess I was prepared for the cold, and prepared for the wet but the combination of the two is just not a happy thing for somebody who gets places on their bike.
But the weather to a change for the better and I am currently enjoying a beautiful Indian Summer falling into Autumn. The foliage is breath-taking, I’m doing my best to stay out of the rain when it does come and to get out on long bike rides and walks when the sun is out.
I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine,…

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