Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh, the thinks you can think!

Frequently, when I meet people and they ask me what I do and I reply that I'm a budding Marine Biologist their first reply is (especially if they're female): "I totally wanted to do that when I was a kid -" I generally finish their sentence with "because you wanted to work with the dolphins?" and generally am right in that assumption.
Speaking of dolphins, I came across an interesting website today advertising a symposium to take place in Hawaii next summer. From what I can tell these people are perfectly serious and this an actual even to take place (once you've taken a look at the website you'll understand why I'm assuring you of this!).
It's a symposium on teleportation and apparently dolphins do this all the time so that if you swim with them you can experience it as well. There will be several experts there to guide you through these experiences.
Check it out:

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