Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why we love the subway

There are just so many interesting people.
One of our favorite people was a little girl who got onto the subway with her family. This family had obviously just been to dunkin' donuts and had obtained various donuts, coffees etc. The sat down on various free spots around us. Our favorite character was this small girl about 11 or 12 who sat down right across from us clutching a cup of coffee.
We assume it was coffee. It could have been hot chocolate, but what we observed thereafter made us hope it was coffee.
She carefully pried off the top, precariously balanced it on her knees and then while clutching her cup in one hand, she dug into her coat pocket and pulled a little satchel of sugar out of her coat pocket -
At this point I nudged Annegret and said: "How long before it spills?" Subway drivers have a way of speeding into the stations and somehow managing to break just in time. And they take off in a similar fashion.
And so we watched as she opened the sugar with her teeth and poured it in. Then she pulled out another - and another. At about this point the waves in her cups got so high that it did spill over the top a bit. She kept going strong, now pulling sugar packets out by the double and kept pouring them in... now we were more fascinated by the amount of sugar she was putting in her cup (this is why we were almost hoping it was coffee despite her tender age...).
So fascinated matter of fact that when she finally put that lid back on her cup - we realized we had missed our stop.
This is also the story of why we love having a week – pass (we just got out at the next station and back on going downtown), and how we learned what the difference is between the B and the D line. Apparently, the D line doesn't stop at our stop during the day...
But it's all good, we just got off and back on going uptown.
We love the subway!

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