Thursday, January 28, 2010

moving on/out...

Well, my Shannon-door-sign, my world map and my quilt and I have moved on.
Just as soon as I sent Annegret off to New York (from where she made it back to Germany, did her own packing and from there apparently made it to Peru) I packed up my stuff and moved to a a nice big house off campus.
No. I did not move my stuff using my bike. Mainly because I have yet to mount a rack on the back of it ... hehehe. I had the common sense to call a friend and we tossed all my stuff in the back of her car and to her amazement we managed to move me out and back in within an hour. I'm that good.
And once I spread out my quilt and put my sign on the door: Home sweet home.


  1. I´m still waiting for pictures for the evidence!

  2. Es ist sooo schön, Deine Einträge zu lesen! Und das Schönste: ich versteh immer mehr, obwohl mein Engisch nicht im entferntesten dem unserer Töchter nahe kommt! DANKE!
