Thursday, September 10, 2009

I was just thinking...

about Americans and cash. Or the none-usage of cash. Possibly just the fact that nobody seems to carry cash on them on a regular basis. Actually, more about people being quite offended when a place "only takes cash". And the fact that those around me seem surprised at my cash-carrying habits. I keep telling people: "I'm European. We use cash on a regular basis".
It just so happens that I have a theory on why this glorious nation has forsaken its bills and coins - to replace them with plastic in various formats. I'm pretty sure that the United States is the only country I've ever been to where all the bills have the same color. I have mentioned this before, but really it does make life so much easier when you can tell how much cash is in your wallet by just glancing inside and viewing the rainbow of bills (or lake thereof) as opposed to leaving through.
Put that on the list of things that really need to be reformed in this country: The presidential election system, the color of bills,... though not necessarily in that sequence.

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