Monday, September 14, 2009

It makes me laugh everytime

After already having established that Long Islanders are a class to their own when it comes to traffic it came as a bit of a surprise when I came across several backed up cars on campus and discovered why all these people who usually don't even stop at red lights where standing around.
Lots of them.
The sort of migrate around campus creating havoc because they never use the crosswalks (Stop at crosswalks IT'S STATELAW) and like to cross streets on a regular basis.
One by one.
With just enough distance in between them that nobody can cross the road. At least not the cars. It's just as funny as it sounds. All these ducks waddling across the street and no honking, no yelling, no squacking - no nothing to make them go faster (or slower).
What joy, what fun!

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